Trigger point therapy
Many are turning to chiropractic care for help for alternative back pain treatment methods that do not include the use of dangerous opioids or over the counter medications.
With approximately 8 out of 10 individuals experiencing some level of back pain in their lifetime, it’s important to point out that no one treatment method works for everyone. While general chiropractic treatment options are an excellent resource for those who suffer from chronic back pain, some individuals may need a combination of those methods along with trigger point injections to help them find the relief they desire.
Q. What are Trigger Point Injections?
A. Trigger point injections are injections used to treat chronic muscle pain associated with myofascial trigger points. These trigger points are highly sensitive bundles of muscle fibers that can be found in tight bands of muscles.
Common trigger point areas include:
• Neck
• Shoulders
• Pelvis
• Back
• Arms
• Legs
Our Trigger point injections are made up of homeopathics and our all natural.
Q. How Trigger Point Injections for Back Pain Work
A. As a back pain treatment method, trigger point injections have shown much promise. Once the injection is complete, the patient will begin to feel their muscles relax, and their pain slowly starts to subside.
Now, it’s important to note that trigger point injections aren’t a miracle cure for back pain. This treatment method simply helps to encourage the muscle to relax, and it is often used in conjuncture with other treatment methods to keep the muscle from tightening up again. With some chronic conditions, however, you may need to have your trigger point injections readministered on a regular schedule.
Q. Back Pain Treatment in Tampa, FL?
A. Trigger point injections can be an excellent option for those seeking back pain treatment. At Body Focus Innovative Health Care, all trigger point injections are performed by a trained professional in the office. Are you seeking back pain treatment options in Tampa, Brandon, Riverview, Wesley Chapel, Temple Terrace, West Chase, Carrollwood or anywhere in Hillsborough County, Call us today to schedule an appointment 813-968-5404.